Gentle Flow…Monday 9.30am-10.30am with Kirsten
Zoom Link for 9.30AM CLICK HERE
Please note our policy with Online classes is that all particpants have cameras turned on just like a face to face class situation so we can see each other 🙂
Suitable for most people who can get up and down from the mat. Beginners always welcome! Start on your feet, warm and open the body gradually with standing spinal movements and gentle sun salutations. Flowing standing posture sequences make up the majority of this class before we move to our active seated postures and savasana 🙂

All NEW participants to Youtopia Yoga. Complete the HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE prior to zoom registration and attendance.
Clink the link for the class you are choosing. Zoom will ask you for your details and which dates you would like to select.
- Your MEETING link and PASSWORD will then be emailed to you. If you don’t get your link back within an hour simply re-register. Its a great idea to SAVE your meeting links and passwords to a word document for easy retrieval, especially when attending multiple classes in a week.
- Plan to join the meeting at least 10 minutes before our class begins to get set up with your tech and settle.
- Zoom security has asked for participants to be accepted manually by hosts into the meeting as you arrive so ensure you arrive BEFORE class begins. No late entries accepted once we start teaching.
- Transfer your payment to the following account;
- Name 04 NRG Pty Ltd
- BSB 654000
- Acc 64202705